Thursday, June 4, 2009

A shift in foreign policy. President Obama calls for new beginning with the Muslim world

"No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust." This is what President Obama said today as he addressed an auditorium full of Muslim leaders in Cairo, Egypt. While the President acknowledged that the speech he gave alone cannot heal the wounds left from 9/11, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan, his words have been the strongest breath of fresh air coming from an American president in almost a decade. The president's tone is in stark contrast to the "you're either with us or not" philosophy of the Bush doctrine that for two terms expanded the rift between America and countries in the Middle East. 

President Obama, quoted the Koran, addressed ill feelings towards the west, addressed the Israel-Palestine conflict, and vowed that words alone will not be enough and that ultimately the actions of America and Middle East nations going forward will be the only way to ensure cooperation, peace and success in the years to come.

The importance of today's speech cannot be overstated as President Obama determines the tone of our country's foreign policy and the relationships America will seek to build and maintain with the Middle East. Osama Bin Laden was aware of the speech's magnitude and came out of hiding to release an audio tape accusing the president of "planting new seeds of hatred and vengeance toward Americans" yesterday. 

We live in a different time than we did during World War II and prior. President Obama understands that diplomacy and negotiations are more effective in this era than isolationism and flexing our militarys muscle. There is much unrest in the Middle East. Some conflicts are a direct result of Americas actions. Others have their roots in struggles that began before The United States became a country. Peace in the Middle East, as cliché as it might sound is a daunting task that will take some time to achieve, if ever. The olive branch that President Obama extended today is a very important first step towards that goal.
President Obama's entire address in Cairo:

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